Natsume Yuujinchou Wiki
Natsume Yuujinchou Wiki

She is a winged youkai that helped Natsume when he was assaulted by Matoba at the old hut.


She wears white traditional kimono with wings at her back.



After saving Natsume from Matoba, she took Natsume and flew off. On flight, she mentioned that Natsume was quite heavy and warm for a youkai. After learning Natsume really is a human, shocked, she dropped Natsume. Luckily Natsume's landing was soften by a big fat cushion (Nyanko sensei).

The winged youkai then asked for Natsume help after knowing he is the owner of the Book of Friends. She was also a determined youkai to help all her friends that she still had.

At their next meeting with Matoba, Winged Youkai was hurt but still managed to escape with both Natsume and Nyanko-sensei. Again, in midriff, she dropped Natsume and Nyanko sensei. This time it was because the load was heavy and her right wing was also hurt add further when Natori's paper shiki tickled Natsume's nose. 

Winged youkai was nursed to health by Hiiragi at an abandoned place.


