Natsume Yuujinchou Wiki
Natsume Yuujinchou Wiki
Natsume Yuujinchou Wiki
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These are the templates used frequently in this wiki. Please check their documentation to see the examples and how its works.

Episodes and Manga Chapters[]

Infobox Episodes[]

{{Infobox Episode
|Episode Title      =
|Image              =
|image size         = 300px
|image caption      =
|title              ={{PAGENAME}}
|Story Kanji Title  =
|Story Romaji Title =
|Air Date           =
|Arc                =
|Episode            =
|Opening Song       =
|Ending Song        =
|Previous Episode   =
|Next Episode       =

Infobox Manga[]

{{Infobox Chapters
|Chapter Title    = 
|Image            = 
|image size       = 300px
|image caption    =
|title            ={{PAGENAME}}
|Release Date     =
|Kanji Title      = 
|Romaji Title     = 
|Chapter          = 
|Volume           = 
|Story Arc        = 
|Previous Chapter = 
|Next Chapter     = 

Characters Infoboxes[]

Infobox Human Character[]

{{infobox character
| name       = {{PAGENAME}}
| image      = 
| imagewidth = 250
| caption    = 
| gender     = 
| age        = 
| birthday   = 
| height     = 
| haircolour = 
| eyecolour  = 
| abilities  = 
| weapons    = 
| chapter    = 
| episode    = 
| seiyuu     = 

Infobox Youkai Character[]

{{Infobox youkai
| title      = {{PAGENAME}}
| image      = 
| imagewidth = 250
| caption    = 
| gender     = 
| haircolour = 
| eyecolour  = 
| abilities  = 
| weapons    = 
| chapter    = 
| episode    = 
| seiyuu     = 
| listed     =

Music Templates[]

Opening Music Infobox[]

{{Opening Infobox
|Title             ={{PAGENAME}}
|Image             =
|image size        =300px
|image caption     =
|Kanji Title       =
|Romaji Title      =
|English Title     =
|Artist            =
|Opening Song #    =
|Starting Episode  =
|Ending Episode    =
|Previous Opening  =
|Next Opening      =

Ending Music Infobox[]

{{Ending Infobox
|Title            ={{PAGENAME}}
|Image            =
|image size       =300px
|image caption    =
|Kanji Title      =
|Romaji Title     =
|English Title    =
|Artist           =
|Ending Song #    =
|Starting Episode =
|Ending Episode   =
|Previous Ending  =
|Next Ending      =


Collapsible Template[]

|title        = 
|color        = color of your collapsible class
|text color   = color you want text to be
|border color =
|content      = 
|collapsed    = (uncollapsed by default, type "yes" for auto collapse)

Scroll Box[]

{{Scroll Box
|height  = 200px
|content = 

Stubs Template[]

Please put Template:Stub for short articles.
