Natsume Yuujinchou Wiki
Natsume Yuujinchou Wiki

Aoi (葵) is a youkai that has a human appearance who is childhood friends with Kaoru Sonokawa.


Aoi has dark blue hair and blue eyes. He is often seen wearing a school uniform with a white collar shirt with a loose sky blue tie and black pants. From time to time, he can also be seen holding a lollipop. He has dark blue bird wings sprouting from his back the same color as his eyes.


Aoi can be considered to get flustered easily when it involves Kaoru. For instance, when he had dropped his letter and Natsume had picked it up for him, he had gotten nervous and took it back, saying he hadn't even realized he had dropped it.

He's also rather kind, even to consider the fact that Kaoru was a human and that he was a youkai and that they shouldn't be together or have mutual romantic feelings for one another.

Likewise to a human, he does display signs of selfishness such as finally wanting to let go of Kaoru by seeing her get 'married'. He also is protective such as attempting to cover for Natsume when youkai had attacked Natsume, Madara and himself.


He is a bird-like youkai from Kakei-wayama, a distant mountain in the next city. He had several unnamed brothers who hurt his wing and was abandoned by his flock as a child. He met Kaoru Sonokawa, then a young girl, and became friends with her while his wings healed. The two would leave messages for each other in the mailbox of an abandoned house.

When Kaoru was a second-year middle school student, she confessed her love to him. Despite loving her as well, Aoi cut ties with her as their friendship was alienating her from her peers and it wouldn't be possible for them to live the lives together since they grew at different rates. He threw himself into training under the youkai Dotaka at Kagomedake to protect the forest and try to forget about her. He grew to become fairly strong and reconnected with his brothers.

Years later when Kaoru was seventeen, he stopped by the abandoned house and found the mailbox full of notes. An envelope at the top contained a message from Kaoru saying she was going to be married. She told him that if he really was over her he should at least come to the ceremony and say goodbye to her. He did not know it was a ruse she made up in order to see him again.


At the end, he decides not to leave her again, though he knows there will be tears later.


Kaoru Sonokawa[]

Main article: Kaoru Sonokawa

Takashi Natsume[]

Main article: Takashi Natsume


Main article: Madara

Powers & Abilities[]

Aoi is capable of using his wings to fly and he can make them appear and disappear at will. He can also conjure dark blue flames from his hand. The full extent of his strength isn't seen but he says he is "fairly powerful."


  • He knows mathematics as he was able to calculate Kaoru's age.
  • He could also read the human language of Japanese. It is indicated Kaoru taught him.

